Yeah, I couldn't decide if I liked the twist or not. On the one hand, it made for a richer story; on the other hand, it set off my "come on, really?" detector. I do love her writing, though.
I have to tell you, my 9 and 11 year old girls totally dug the twist. in fact, once they hit it they couldn't stop talking about it for days, about how it changed everything they read before.
My eldest actually stopped and backed up to scan for clues and said "there isn't really any foreshadowing except that everything is foreshadowing!"
She meant that in a good way, and I was proud to see her go back and do that sort of analysis.
middle school drama
takes strange (yet satisfying) whiplash turn midway
that would be my take
the break didn't fall where it should, but you get the drift
Yeah, I couldn't decide if I liked the twist or not. On the one hand, it made for a richer story; on the other hand, it set off my "come on, really?" detector. I do love her writing, though.
I have to tell you, my 9 and 11 year old girls totally dug the twist. in fact, once they hit it they couldn't stop talking about it for days, about how it changed everything they read before.
My eldest actually stopped and backed up to scan for clues and said "there isn't really any foreshadowing except that everything is foreshadowing!"
She meant that in a good way, and I was proud to see her go back and do that sort of analysis.
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