
Little House on the Prairie: Review Haiku

Caroline Ingalls
makes me feel like a wholly
inadequate mom.

Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Harper, 1932, 238 pages.

Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Harper, 1935, 335 pages.

#40 on The LIST.


Sarah Miller said...

Ha! Nice one.

Caroline Ingalls hardly even used contractions when she spoke -- how can anyone nowadays hope to compete even on that level? (Nevermind the cheese, bread, sausage, hulled corn, maple sugar, mending, sewing....)

EM said...

I was most impressed by her ability to run a pioneer household by herself (!) while her three (!!) children (including a baby!) quietly played by themselves all day (!!!). Clearly, I suck.