Broadway babies shine,
but little errors reduce
Theater Geek: The Real-Life Drama of a Summer at Stagedoor Manor, the Famous Performing Arts Camp by Mickey Rapkin. Free Press, 2010, 220 pages.
* Ahem. The giant in Act Two of Into the Woods is not a he. The repeated lyrics in "Being Alive" begin "Someone to" or "Somebody," but never "Somebody to." All the campers would know this.
theater errors. sigh. What's scarier is that I saw the words 'theater geek" and immediately clicked. I'm hopeless...
You've seen that movie "Camp," right? Where the scary teenage girl covers "Ladies Who Lunch"?
I haven't! Will put it on my Netflix queue. (Wait -- I do not have a Netflix queue. Damn.)
I didn't notice those errors, but I know what you mean about it ruining credibility. Call those spellcheck errors though and put your mind to rest.
I liked the book, especially knowing about the back stories before the camp was so known. It was certainly interesting.
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